Is your thread breaking? Are you getting skipped stitches? SO annoying when you just want to sew! Here are 3 crucial steps for troubleshooting to get better results. 

1. Rethread your sewing machine 

Sounds so simple, and it’s often overlooked! Thread could be caught somewhere, maybe you skipped a step or it came out of a loop. 

how to stop your thread from breaking

2. Change your needle

Even if you’ve just put a fresh one in. I mean it. Try one from a different package. Sometimes they can have a burr in the hole and thread catches on it, resulting in breakage. We recommend Schmetz needles in all of our machines.

how to stop thread from breaking

3. Clean out your bobbin area

It can get really dusty! Here are some of the worst spots on the inner workings of my machine. So embarrassing!

clean your bobbin sewing machine

These 3 steps will usually do the trick and make things right as rain again. 🙂

Happy stitching!



Michelle Brassens

Hi, I’m Michelle! I’ve never met a craft I didn’t like. Sewing however was where I really found my groove! So I left behind life as a pastry chef and concentrated on making things with fabric instead of food. I work at Dinkydoo Fabrics now and get to write about sewing and quilting for work. Stick with me and I’ll show you all kinds of tips and tricks, from beginner to expert maker level. Can’t wait!