Get Easy 1/4″ Seams with Bloc Loc

Do you struggle with your seams? My 1/4” seam is never quite as perfect as I’d like it to be. When sewing half square triangles it’s particularly noticeable. That means my points get sewn into the seam and it doesn’t look very nice.

I’m pretty firmly in the ‘Finished is better than perfect’ camp BUT there’s nothing wrong with trying to improve your skills as you go! To help me in the ‘finished and close to perfect’ journey I deploy Bloc Loc rulers! 

Bloc Loc Rulers come in a huge range of sizes and shapes. Today I’m going to show you the Bloc Loc HST Ruler type for this block.  

how to use bloc loc rulers

Today we’re going to do a bit of a comparison of a half square triangle block that I created without a Bloc Loc ruler, and one I created with a Bloc Loc ruler! It’s kind of a ‘This is your sewing. This is your sewing on bloc loc’ side by side! 

You can follow along with my instructions on how to use Bloc Loc using my example below.

In the picture below, I’ve got 2.5” charm squares and I’ve marked them down the centre then 1/4” on either side. 

bloc loc rulers comparison side by side

Next, I pair them up and then sew them on the outside lines. In the example below, I cut down the centre to get a total of 2 hst sets per pair. 

bloc loc creating a pair of hst blocks

Then, I give them a press open and to the dark side.  I use the Bloc Loc ruler to align the center groove on the center seam. It will literally lock right on!

bloc loc hst ruler

You can really see that the edges are beyond the 2” lines. Next, I’m going to trim on one side, and then rotate everything and slide down to trim the other edge. 

use the bloc loc ruler to align the center groove on the center seam

Next, I sew all 4 of them together!

In the picture below, you can see the big difference a Bloc Loc ruler makes! The top set I didn’t trim. You can see that the points don’t match nicely, it’s over sized, and just looks messy. 

Do you see how perfect the center of the bottom set is? Now that’s what I’m talking about!

perfect hst blocks with bloc loc seams

Are Bloc Loc rulers worth the investment? Absolutely! I love little tools that make a big difference in my sewing. You should give these rulers a try – they (and you!) are well worth the investment. They are one of the best quilting rulers hands down.

Happy stitching!



Michelle Brassens

Hi, I’m Michelle! I’ve never met a craft I didn’t like. Sewing however was where I really found my groove! So I left behind life as a pastry chef and concentrated on making things with fabric instead of food. I work at Dinkydoo Fabrics now and get to write about sewing and quilting for work. Stick with me and I’ll show you all kinds of tips and tricks, from beginner to expert maker level. Can’t wait!